Thursday, November 08, 2007

Caught Redhanded!

All our bunnies are litter trained but occasionally Bella and Pumpkin would do their potty in another corner. I recently bought them a dog's dish since it is larger and heavier and Miko won't be able to toss and push it down from the third floor (yes they have a three story bunny condo!). Lately somebunny had been using it as a littler box and I was certain it was Bella so I would every now and then put her on one of the litter boxes so she remembers to do it in there.

Poor Bella it was Miko all along! He was grooming without a care in the world.

Check out the puddle on the floor.

Bella turning a blind eye.

Who can resist such an innocent look?

I will try putting the dish on the second floor during the day see if it works. I'll keep you updated.

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